Up Rates

RateExp = 3x

RateSp = 3x

MaximumLvlDiff = 11

Quest Rates

ItemDropRate = 2x

Exp = 2x

SP = 4x

AdenaReward = 4x

Drop Rates

DropChance = 5x

SpoilChance = 5x

Extract = 3x

Vitality Rates

Level 1 = 140%

Level 2 = 190%

Level 3 = 230%

Level 4 = 260%

PK Drop Chance

Drop = 44%

DropItem = 55%

DropEquip = 44%

DropWeapon = 12%


The maximum Enchant Level is 16.

Armor and Weapons.

+0...+3 = 100%

+4...+6 = 80%

+6...+16 = 66%

But for shirts... The maximum Enchant Level is 20.

Why? I don't even know, maybe I thought it would be fun.

+0...+3 = 100%

+4...+6 = 80%

+6...+16 = 66%

+16...+20 = 30%

How is the life of a Criminal?(PK)

Ok, but is easy to remove PK right?.

You couldn't be more wrong, everyone will receive a message that you killed someone.

You cannot make trades or use the warehouse. But who am I kidding...

You will not be able to reach a warehouse, because you can't even enter a city. Why?

Everyone can attack you in peace zones. Beautiful, isn't it?"

Oh, I almost forgot all City Guards have...

HP = 5x

MP = 5x

PAtk = 5x

MAtk = 5x

PDef = 5x

MDef = 5x